Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ndizi za nazi na nyama - Green bananas with coconut cream and meat.

This meal is also known as Matoke in Uganda.It is a common meal eaten in East africa but can have different variations. Coconut cream or ground peanuts can be used for the base.Can be cooked with meat or without but will be eaten with grilled or roasted meat. It is usually consumed at lunch and dinner. Another variation common in Moshi is Mtori it's consistency is more watery and smooth thus can be eaten as a porridge in the morning or for brunch. I cook mine with coconut cream,tomatoes and spiced meat. Because of the tomatoes it gives a deep yellow shade.
Today I have added hyperlink images to help visualise the process.

Recipe serves 8 people

24 green bananas (the small version, if its longer 18)peeled and sliced
2 packets of coconut powder equivalent to 2 coconuts
3 tomatoes,
1 onion
1 bell pepper
2 carrots
2 teaspoons of tomato or red pepper paste
1 teaspoon of curry powder
4 cups of water

Meat mix:
1-1.5 pound meat cut into small peices
*12 cloves of garlic
*large peice of ginger grated
*1/2 batch of cilantro
*1-2 chilli's or jalapeno peppers
3 teaspoons of black pepper
2 tablespoons of vinegar
1/2 cup of water
1 teaspoon of salt

* I usually make a paste of these should make around 3 teaspoons.

1.Put the sliced bananas in the heavy based pot.
Blend the coconut powder, tomato paste, carrots, tomatoes, onion, bell pepper with 1 and 1/2 cup of water. Once finely blended add to the bananas. To the Banana mixture add the spices, remaining water and cook covered on medium heat (4-5 heat) for approx *50 minutes. The bananas have a tendency of sticking to the base of the pot so stir frequently.

NB.* If you notice the banana mixture have already soften i.e become mushy, take it of the heat.

2.In a different sauce pan mix the meat with all the ingredients, cook on high setting 9-10 covered for 15 minutes then remove the cover. The meat is ready when it becomes slightly tender and all the water has evaporated. Takes approx 30-45 minutes.

3.Then add the spiced meat to the bananas,stir in the meat let simmer together for 10 minutes so that the 2 flavors can mix. You can taste and add salt, chili, vinegar to your liking.
4. The food is ready to serve. Food is enough to serve 6-8 people.

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