Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It has been a while since I have last posted a recipe. I have been overwhelmed with my life. Had a lot of changes during that period of time,Travel, pregnancy, later taking the responsibility of being a first time mom. I also moved recently to a new city I am still settling in. I am grateful though with everything that I have been graced with a beautiful healthy girl who is now exploring the world.Hence keeping me on my toes now. With everything going on blogging was the last thing on my mind, I apologize for my absence and will try to share more recipes or revise some of my old ones.
Wish you all a great day or evening.And a belated Happy New year!!

1 comment:

  1. Asalam aleikum I hope you post more recipes because I have just found your blog and I have been looking for most of these for a long time. Many congratulations on your new addition and may Allah bless your family.
